Data Attributes

These are the other data-* attributes that can be passed to an HTML element with a data-widget prop.

Attributes marked as “required” need to be provided, otherwise the widget will error.

Basic / Web3

data-widget (required)

Specifies what kind of widget to render. See the list of accepted values in the later pages.

data-id (required)

Specifies the ID of the claim. Also referred to as "instance" ID, you can find this on the overview section of your claim within the Claim App in Manifold Studio. The instance is in the bottom left corner of the overview, and also in the URL.


Specifies the websocket/http address to a fallback ETH node. Used when initiating the EthereumProvider for the widgets. We fallback to the specified address when the widget is loaded:

  1. On a browser with no wallet (incognito browsing mode for example).

  2. On Mac's Safari.

  3. On a mobile device for all cases except when navigating with a built-in browser within the MetaMask app.

Set this value to wss:// (for mainnet) or wss:// to ensure that the listing details can read from an accurate link without depending on an external Ethereum provider's network.

Last updated