Get All Active Listings

updated as of 1/26/2023

Get all active Listings


Given a marketplaceAddress, fetch and return all active listings.

"Active" listings include both A) Listings with a bid that have not yet finished AND B) Listings that start on first bid, and do NOT have a bid yet

*Note: The marketplaceAddress for Manifold's Ethereum Mainnet contract is 0x3a3548e060be10c2614d0a4cb0c03cc9093fd799

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

        "id": "820",
        "seller": "0x512a666975b78f9020a4299fc7f2dc1e552d6762",
        "details": {
            "type_": 1,
            "initialAmount": {
                "type": "BigNumber",
                "hex": "0x056bc75e2d63100000"
            "totalAvailable": "1",
            "totalPerSale": "1",
            "extensionInterval": 600,
            "erc20": "0x64D91f12Ece7362F91A6f8E7940Cd55F05060b92",
            "identityVerifier": null,
            "startTime": 1666371600,
            "endTime": 1667239200
        "token": {
            "spec": "erc721",
            "address_": "0x187ddd5c06c0d7ca7b8d19a86bd10f6ed08f798a",
            "id": {
                "type": "BigNumber",
                "hex": "0x02"
            "lazy": false,
            "metadata": {
                "name": "Brawler ASH",
                "image": "",
                "image_url": "",
                "attributes": [
                        "value": "Jake Gumbleton",
                        "trait_type": "Artist"
                        "value": "Brawler",
                        "trait_type": "Character"
                        "value": "Fighter",
                        "trait_type": "Class"
                "created_by": "Vessels ASH",
                "description": "The Vessels ASH collection is a limited run of characters from the Vessels universe.\n\nEarth is dead. Used-up and broken.  Humanity is on the brink. Our last remnants are clinging to existence on a dangerous alien world and we have brought our old demons with us to our new home.\n\nAn expert in hand-to-face combat.  Not the fastest of fighters, he makes up for his lack of speed with a tremendous aptitude for being punched without falling over. Sometimes in life, that’s all that you need.  \n\nThe Vessels main collection, graphic novel episodes, ‘VesselsGen0’ and ‘Lost Vessels’ collections exist on the Tezos blockchain.",
                "external_url": "",
                "image_details": {
                    "bytes": 4510573,
                    "width": 2621,
                    "format": "JPEG",
                    "height": 4000,
                    "sha256": "be632d4046023d2efcac828b35d88e48b9b0a6f76c3259a3702249215b83ca48"
        "fees": {
            "deliverFixed": null
        "bid": {
            "amount": {
                "type": "BigNumber",
                "hex": "0x056bc75e2d63100000"
            "timestamp": 1666402043,
            "bidder": ""
        "address": "0x3a3548e060be10c2614d0a4cb0c03cc9093fd799",
        "version": 2

Example curl

curl -X GET

Last updated