Common functions include code found in both ERC721 and ERC1155 Creator Contracts. These functions exist for either ERC721 or ERC1155 implementations. Implementation details can be found in the following smart contract files:
Transfers ownership of a specific NFT from one address to another. When using safeTransferFrom the token contract checks to see that the receiver address is an IERC721Receiver, which implies that it knows how to handle ERC721 tokens (unlike the standard transferFrom function).
Permissions: Public function callable by token owner only
Input Parameters: from address, to address, tokenId
When implementing transfers within your contracts its best practice to always use the safeTransferFrom function (rather than transferFrom) to ensure events set to trigger upon retrieval are successful (ensures receiver knows how to handle the tokens it is about to receive as an IERC721 or ERC1155 Receiver).
Metadata Functions
Metadata functions can add or modify a Token's URI, or Uniform Resource Identifier. This URI specifies the endpoint with information representing the NFT including its media and attributes, conforming to the ERC721 Metadata JSON Schema. This JSON is often hosted on decentralized protocols like Arweave, like we use within Manifold Studio.
Sets the base URI for any tokens created without an extension. Once set, the metadata URI will be base_uri/<tokenId> by default.
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
functionsetBaseTokenURI(stringcalldata uri)
Sets a specific metadata URI for a given token created without an extension.Methods included for taking in both singular token values and arrays of multiple tokens/strings.
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
Gets royalty configuration (receiver and royalty amount) for a given token provided tokenID and salePrice. Supports the same interface as other marketplace platforms such as Rarible or Foundation (EIP-2981 NFT Royalty Standard).
Sets default royalties for all tokens on a contract. You can also use the same function specifying a particular tokenID to set royalties for that singular token.
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.