This takes in the mandatory arguments of contract address and tokenId and returns the NFT for you. Supports filters and attribute filters . Here is an example:
Copy client.getNFT({
contractAddress: '0x9619dabdc2eb3679943b51afbc134dec31b74fe8',
tokenId: 9576
Copy {
'contractAddress': "0x9619dabdc2eb3679943b51afbc134dec31b74fe8"
'count': "1"
'image': ""
'metadata': {name: 'Dusk Half-Elf Fable Bard from The Mountains + Bedroll', image: '', attributes: Array(10), description: 'Dusk - Half-Elf - Fable - Bard - hero from the world of Ethermore.', external_url: '', …}
'name': "Dusk Half-Elf Fable Bard from The Mountains + Bedroll"
'ownerAddress': "0x6140f00e4ff3936702e68744f2b5978885464cbb"
'spec': "erc721"
'tokenId': "5221"
'updatedAt': 1636395231