Common Functions
Common functions include code found in both ERC721 and ERC1155 Creator Contracts. These functions exist for either ERC721 or ERC1155 implementations. Implementation details can be found in the following smart contract files:
Administrative Functions
Functions for adding and removing contract admins and transferring contract ownership. Admin controls are implemented via AdminControl.sol.
Token Owner Functions
When implementing transfers within your contracts its best practice to always use the safeTransferFrom function (rather than transferFrom) to ensure events set to trigger upon retrieval are successful (ensures receiver knows how to handle the tokens it is about to receive as an IERC721 or ERC1155 Receiver).
Metadata Functions
Metadata functions can add or modify a Token's URI, or Uniform Resource Identifier. This URI specifies the endpoint with information representing the NFT including its media and attributes, conforming to the ERC721 Metadata JSON Schema. This JSON is often hosted on decentralized protocols like Arweave, like we use within Manifold Studio.
Royalty Functions
Functions for querying or setting royalties on a contract or specific token.
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