These functions are common for any extensions build for ERC721 and ERC1155
General Functions
Get the extension that minted the specified token. If not minted by a token, will return the 0x0 address
Permissions: Public function callable by anyone.
function tokenExtension(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address)
Extension Mangement
Functions used to manage installed extensions
Gets a list of all registered extensions.
Permissions: Public function callable by anyone.
function getExtensions() view returns (address[] memory extensions)
Registers an extension, allowing it to access the mint function, and ability to set a token’s metadata URI or a base URI for that extension. The token URI for tokens minted by this extension will be baseURI<tokenID>. When registering an extension you can specify a third boolean parameter of "true" for baseURIIdentical to specify the token URI for all tokens to be identical (will not increment with appended tokenId).
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
function registerExtension(address extension, string calldata baseURI, bool baseURIIdentical)s, baseURI (string), baseURI (string)
function registerExtension(address extension, string calldata baseURI)
Unregisters an extension and removes access to the mint function and all other extension capabilities.
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
function unregisterExtension(address extension)
Blacklists an extension, preventing future registrations of the address. This function also destroys all references to metadata associated with tokens created by this extension, making them effectively useless.
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
function blacklistExtension(address extension)
If set as true, indicates that the creator should check with the extension for transfer approval prior to each transfer.
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
function setApproveTransferExtension(bool enabled)
Override the royalties for all tokens minted by the specified extension
Permissions: Owner/Admin function callable by contract owner only.
function setRoyaltiesExtension(address extension, address payable[] calldata receivers, uint256[] calldata basisPoints)
Extension Metadata Functions
Functions used by extensions to set the metadata of tokens minted by the extension
Sets the base URI for any tokens minted from this extension. Once set, the metadata URI will be base_uri/<tokenId> by default.
Permissions: Only callable by an extension
function setBaseTokenURIExtension(string calldata uri)
Sets a prefix for all tokens minted from this extension. If configured, and a token has a URI set, tokenURI will return <prefixURI><tokenURI>.
Permissions: Only callable by an extension
function setTokenURIPrefixExtension(string calldata prefix)
Set the tokenURI for a specific token minted from this extension. Useful if you want to do something with a dynamic metadata server and need sequential numbering of tokens. Various methods defined below.
Permissions: Only callable by an extension and only on token minted by the extension
function setTokenURIExtension(uint256 tokenId, string calldata uri) external
function setTokenURIExtension(uint256[] memory tokenId, string[] calldata uri)
Extension Logic Overriding
The powerful thing about Manifold Creator is the ability for extensions to fully override core functionality of NFT smart contracts. The following is a list of functionality extensions can override.
Metadata Handling
An extension can fully manage the token metadata logic by implementing the ICreatorExtensionTokenURI interface.
If an extension implements this interface then all metadata logic will be deferred to the extension's tokenURI function.
If an extension implements this interface, by default, all transfers will call the extension's approveTransfer function prior to every token transfer. An extension can enable/disable this by calling the setApproveTransferExtension function.
If an extension implements this interface, every time a token is burned it will call the extension's onBurn function.
An extension can define the royalties for any tokens they mint. To do this, the extension must implement the ICreatorExtensionRoyalties interface.
If an extension implements this interface, the Creator Contract will defer all royalty lookups to the extension for tokens minted by it.
These are functions used by extensions to mint NFTs. NFTs minted by the extension will adhere to the extension's overriding logic.
Mints a token from the extension. Also can set token URI if desired by indicating token URI.
Permissions: Only callable by an installed extension
function mintExtension(address to) returns (uint256)
function mintExtension(address to, string calldata uri) returns (uint256)
Batch mints tokens from the extension. Also can set token URI if desired by indicating token URIs.
Permissions: Only callable by an installed extension
function mintExtensionBatch(address to, uint16 count) returns (uint256[] memory)
function mintExtensionBatch(address to, string[] calldata uris) returns (uint256[] memory)
Mints a completely new token with the given amount from an extension. If URI is empty, URI will fall back to the default URI configured.
Permissions: Only callable by an installed extension
function mintExtensionNew(address[] calldata to, uint256[] calldata amounts, string[] calldata uris) returns (uint256[] memory)
Mints more of an existing token from the extension. Requires that the original token already exist and that it is not a token from an extension.
Permissions: Only callable by an installed extension
function mintExtensionExisting(address[] calldata to, uint256[] calldata tokenIds, uint256[] calldata amounts)