Individual widgets, prepended by m-listing-, are standalone widgets that pull specific data from a listing. They are exported to give creators more freedom as to how they want to organise their listing page.
Displays the attributes and their values for the token.
Contains text for the minimum bid or offer/bid or offer status, the current bid currency, and the balance of the connected wallet. Displays nothing (<!---->) if the listing has ended.
For ERC-1155s listings only. Displays the following text
`${amount_of_tokens_minted} out of ${max_mintable_token_amount} minted so far`
where amount_of_tokens_minted and max_mintable_token_amount are pulled from the listing details (listing.totalSold and listing.totalAvailable respectively). Also has a progress bar above the counter text. Similar to m-listing-inventory.
Displays the listing price’s label and the listing’s price, along with a bid status if the listing is an auction and the user has participated in the bid.