NFT Information Retrieval


NFT APIs allow you to read NFT metadata and ownership information. These API's include:

  • getNFT Get NFT metadata (both ERC721 and ERC1155) and current ownership information (for ERC721)

  • getNFTTsOfOwner Get NFTs of the current authenticated wallet

  • ownerHasNFT Check if the current authenticated wallet owns an NFT

  • getCollectors

    Get collectors of an NFT

More APIs will be added in the near future.

Supported Networks

  • Ethereum Mainnet

  • Goerli

  • Polygon

  • Rinkeby (deprecated)

  • Optimism/Arbitrum (under evaluation)

Filtering Data

Most APIs take in an array of filters and attribute filters, in the following format:

 * 1. Filter for specific tokens by passing in a tokenId
 * 2. Filter for a set of tokens by passing in an array of tokenIds
 * 3. Filter for a range of tokens by passing in the minTokenId and maxTokenId
 * 4. Filter for a set of token attributes by passing in an array of TokenAttribute
 * You can use either 1, 2 or 3, but not all of them together.
interface Filter {
  contractAddress: string;
  tokenId?: string;
  tokenIds?: Array<string>
  minTokenId?: string;
  maxTokenId?: string;
  attributes?: Array<Attribute>;

interface Attribute {
  traitType?: string;
  value: string;

Each filter is treated as an 'or' statement.

Example: Get BAYC and MAYC NFTs for the user:

  filters: [
      contractAddress: '0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d'
      contractAddress: '0x60e4d786628fea6478f785a6d7e704777c86a7c6'

Example: Get Doodles with both 3D Glasses AND a Navy Sweater

  filters: [
      contractAddress: '0x8a90cab2b38dba80c64b7734e58ee1db38b8992e',
      attributes: [
          traitType: 'body',
          value: 'navy sweater'
          traitType: 'face',
          value: '3d glasses'

Example: Get Doodles with both 3D Glasses OR a Navy Sweater

  filters: [
      contractAddress: '0x8a90cab2b38dba80c64b7734e58ee1db38b8992e',
      attributes: [
          traitType: 'face',
          value: '3d glasses'
      contractAddress: '0x8a90cab2b38dba80c64b7734e58ee1db38b8992e',
      attributes: [
          traitType: 'body',
          value: 'navy sweater'

Example: Get Mad Dog Jones Thought as a System

  filters: [
      contractAddress: '0x4ac3d17fd6c2db18ec619fe2d68d2c22b18378ff',
      minTokenId: '11600030001',
      maxTokenId: '11600030050',

Example: Get Collectors of scuderia ferrari by yungwknd// Some code

  filters: [
      contractAddress: '0xefE6A6032fd27B7B7615Fb0D0E08FB3E49Db53b8',
      tokenId: '2'

Last updated

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