Nifty Gateway Drops

Have a Nifty Gateway Drop upcoming?

Preparing for a Nifty Gateway mint?

In most cases Nifty Gateway will require a new ERC721 contract per drop. Please confirm this with your NG producer.

Single/Numbered Editions

After deploying a contract for your drop you can go ahead and mint the tokens. Minting single/numbered editions to the Nifty Gateway Omnibus is just as simple as minting the tokens to a wallet.

If you have multiple pieces you'll need to do this for each piece!

  1. Stage the asset. Choose whether it's a Single token or Editioned token/

  2. Click the Mint to Mainnet button. Before you receive the transaction confirmation, you will be given the option to either mint the token to yourself or airdrop to another wallet.

  1. Click the Airdrop button, and then enter the Nifty Gateway Omnibus address: 0xE052113bd7D7700d623414a0a4585BCaE754E9d5​

You'll get a confirmation of the Nifty Gateway Omnibus wallet that looks like this:

All set!

If you still have questions about your drop on Nifty Gateway, please reach out to

Open Editions

At this time Nifty Gateway does not support Open Editions on a sovereign creator contract.

Last updated