âģOpen Editions

Deploy your own Open Edition page with our Claims tool. Editions can be Open or Closed and allowlists can be used for each drop.

If you have questions about Claims check out the documentation as well as the FAQ.


Bruce Lee X Shibuya - House of Lee

Claim Page: https://app.manifold.xyz/c/bruceleeofficial

Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x091fc2e2bb9886d107ba3537defa42744282eaaa

The Drop:

  • This Claim Page was integrated with Crossmint to allow for credit card and Apple Pay purchases

  • The page included customized design/animations

Alpha Centauri Kid's Open Edition

Claim Page: https://app.manifold.xyz/c/ACKcolorstudyOE

Contract Address: 0x232a68a51d6e07357ae025d2a459c16077327102

Amber Vittoria: The Serene

Claim Page: https://app.manifold.xyz/c/the-serene-vittoria

Contract Address: 0x31237f02f9b7ffc22ea7a9d9649520c0833d16f4

PRguitarman's Nyan Balloon

Claim Page: https://app.manifold.xyz/c/NyanBalloon

Contract Address: 0x286e531f363768fed5e18b468f5b76a9ffc33af5

Check out the mechanics for PRguitarman's BurnRedeem campaign

Ness Graphics - M0N3Y PR1NT3R G0 BRRRRRR.

Check out Ness Graphics's BurnRedeem campaign

Claim Page: https://app.manifold.xyz/c/brrrrrr

Contract Address: 0x94d676b6550a1a0cee48754a1ad52ecf9edc7013

Last updated