Batch Minting

Mint up to 200 tokens in one transaction saving up to 60% in gas costs

Batch minting is currently only available for ERC-721 contracts and image tokens

Having your own Manifold Creator contract comes with the superpowers of Extensions. Batch Minting is the first extension available directly from Manifold Studio that saves you both time and money when minting large batches of tokens.

When to use batch minting

Batch minting will start saving you minting cost when trying to mint more than 5 tokens at once.

Number of tokensMinting 1 by 1 (gwei)Minting through Batch Mint Extension (gwei)*
















* Plus 94k to register the extension (one time cost) and 90k to create a batch (once per batch)

** Gas limit per block is 15M so you can’t batch mint 200 tokens in one tx with mintBatchBase

Price in ETH assuming 100 gwei gas price

Number of tokensMinting 1 by 1 (ETH)Minting through Batch Mint Extension (ETH)*
















* Plus 0.0094 ETH to register the extension (one time cost) and 0.009 ETH to create a batch (once per batch)

** Gas limit per block is 15M so you can’t batch mint 200 tokens in one tx with mintBatchBase

Batch minting different tokens

1. Creating a batch

To get started, head over to Manifold Studio and go to your ERC-721 tokens page and click on "Create".

Next click on the "Batch of Tokens" option.

When creating a batch you can now define some default metadata that all tokens in that batch will have. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to update and change the metadata for each token individually too before minting the batch.

2. Uploading the assets

Once you’ve created your batch, you can now click on “Upload Files” and upload a set of images with all the assets you want to mint. Make sure all tokens are ordered in the way you want since the current UX doesn’t support re-ordering tokens before minting.

Bear in mind that we currently only support batch minting images, but more asset types will be introduced in the near future. We also have a limit of 200 tokens per batch due to the maximum gas you can consume in a single Ethereum transaction. You can, though, mint as many batches as you want.

Manifold Studio will now allow you to go asset per asset and fill in extra properties or modify any of your asset metadata. Notice that you can quickly navigate through all assets by simply clicking on the “Previous” and “Next” buttons.

3. Minting on Sepolia

Once you are happy with all the assets in the batch, go back to the batch page and simply click on “Mint on Sepolia”. This is a required step so you can check everything is ready before minting on mainnet.

Minting a batch will take three transactions the first time you do it:

  1. The first transaction will register the Batch Minting extension on your contract. You’ll only need to make this transaction once, future batches won’t require this transaction.

  2. The second transaction will create and prepare the batch. This step allows us to make minting so much cheaper.

  3. The third and last transaction will batch mint all tokens. Before executing the transaction you will get a pop up to introduce the address where you want to mint the tokens to. The default address will be the one you are using.

After minting on Sepolia, you can now check how each token looks on OpenSea and Rarible, and make all modifications needed. If you want to make any changes, simply batch mint on Sepolia again. You can do so as many times as you want.

4. Minting on mainnet

Bear in mind that minting on mainnet can only be done once so make sure everything looks ready before doing so. You can’t add new tokens to a batch after you’ve created a batch on mainnet; for that case, you’ll just need to create a new batch with the new tokens you want to batch mint.

When you are ready to mint on mainnet, go back to your batch page and click on “Mint on mainnet”.

Your assets and metadata will then be uploaded to Arweave. This can take some time, so while assets are uploading you can leave this screen and Studio will send you an email when they are ready for the next step.

After the assets and metadata have been uploaded to Arweave, you'll go through the same transactions as on Sepolia:

  1. The first transaction will register the Batch Minting extension on your contract. You’ll only need to make this transaction once, future batches won’t require this transaction.

  2. The second transaction will create and prepare the batch. This step allows us to make minting so much cheaper.

  3. The third and last transaction will batch mint all tokens. Before executing the transaction you will get a pop up to introduce the address where you want to mint the tokens to. The default address will be the one you are using.

And volià, you’ve now saved up to 60% in gas fees!

Batch minting editions

To batch mint editions simply follow the same steps as with batch minting different tokens but click on Editions instead.

When minting each token, Manifold Studio will automatically number your editions and attach its number to the default artwork title that you specify (e.g "Root Cause Analysis #1/50").

In the upload page, Studio will only allow you to upload one image.

When clicking on mint to Sepolia or mainnet you'll then specify the number of editions you want. Our current limit is 200 tokens.

When you are ready to mint to Sepolia simply follow the same steps as with batch minting different tokens.

Updating a batch

To update tokens on a batch that has been minted on mainnet simply make the changes on any of the tokens you want to update, go back to your batch or edition page and click on "Update on mainnet".

The cost of updating any or all the tokens of a batch is as cheap as updating an individual token. The price is the same if you are trying to update 2 tokens, 20 or 200.

Last updated