Claim Page FAQ


Common Questions

Setup Questions

Using Allowlists

After your Page is deployed


Common Questions

Where is my ETH from my claim page?

ETH is paid out during every purchase. To see this, please check your internal transactions in Etherscan. Here you'll find a list of transactions that may not appear in your Metamask window.

This will not be displayed in your Metamask Activity tab because it does not show other people's transactions that caused ETH to be transferred to your wallet

Setup Questions

How much does creating a claim page cost?

Creating a Claim Page requires two transactions: one for registering the claim extension (only required the first time you create a Claim Page) and another one for initializing the claim.

The overall cost will be similar to minting a single token on an ERC-721 contract.

Can I set a price on my claim page?

Yes, you can set a price for your token in ETH.

Can I set royalties for my claim?

Yes. Tokens will be minted on the Manifold Contract creator you select when creating a claim page and therefore will follow the royalties set on that contract. Check here how to set royalties on your contract.

Will tokens from my claim be numbered?

Claims that are ERC-721 and limited supply will be numbered. Unlimited claims and ERC-1155 claims will not be numbered.

If an ERC-721 limited claim is changed to unlimited, the tokens will be un-unnumbered on chain. (This may require a manual refresh from your collectors or yourself)

Which time zone is the claim page set?

Your own timezone!

How do I mint tokens to myself?

Tokens can be airdropped after the claim page is live to any address. This will

Can I use different assets for my claim?

Not within Studio at this time. Claims can only be for one asset. You can create as many claims as you want.

For more technical creators it is possible but will require a bit more technical work, you'll find some information from creators who have done this on our forum.

Can I use a token I've already minted with a claim?

No, claims must use new tokens.

Using Allowlists

Can I update an allowlist?

An allowlist can be updated at any point during the claim.

If a wallet has already claimed the eligible token, they will be uneligible to claim another. If you would like that wallet to be able to claim more, an additional amount would need to be added to the CSV.

What happens if I have multiple entries of the same address in my CSV file?

Claim Page will automatically combine all entries into one and add all values.

If I have an allowlist claim and someone claims, can I update the claim so they can claim more later?

Of course! You will need to delete the existing .csv and upload with a revised one reflecting the updated amount the collector can claim. If you're unsure about the format we have an example listed here.

** When deleting a .csv and revising the eligible amounts per wallet, this does not reset the number of tokens a collector has already claimed.


  1. Collector A is eligible to mint 1 token and mints this token.

  2. The csv is updated so Collector A is eligible to mint 3 tokens.

  3. Collecor A is eligible to mint 2 additional tokens.

Can I set an allowlist and open mechanic on the claim?

Because the claim can be edited, mints with different mechanics can occur at different times. If you're looking to have a allowlist period initially and then an open mint for the remainder of the supply: 1. Setup your claim with the total supply and setup the whitelist. Run the claim through the allowlist period. 2. When the allowlist period is completed, edit the claim to reflect an Open Mint

After your Claim Page is deployed

I just set up my Claim page. Where are my tokens?

Has a collector minted a token yet? Because the claim page utilizes a lazy mint mechanic, the tokens aren't minted until a collector mints the tokens from your page.

My tokens aren't appearing on any platform after creating a Claim page

Please keep in mind that creating a Claim page doesn't mint the tokens. The tokens aren't 'minted' until a collector mints from it.

Can I update the artwork of my claim once it has been published?

Yes! You can change any characteristics of your claim. To do so, simply go into your claim and click on the "Edit" button on the top right.

What happens if I edit a token after a number have been minted out?

Any updates to the claim token's image will update for all new and existing tokens

Opensea: My collection title is wrong. Why does it say V2 or Unidentified Contract? How do I set the royalties on Opensea?

Your collection description and title are set on Opensea and not within Manifold Studio. If you're seeing the following:

Click on the blue text to head over the Collection page. Then this button here to edit. This will allow you to edit the contract name as well as set the contract royalties!

Can I update a claim once it's been published?

Yes! You can change any characteristics of your claim except reducing its supply. To update, simply go into your claim and click on the "Edit" button on the top right.

If an ERC-721 limited claim is changed to unlimited, the tokens will be un-unnumbered on chain. (This may require a manual refresh from your collectors or yourself)

How do I cancel my claim?

You can cancel your claim by editing the end date and setting it to a date in the past.


Can I airdrop tokens for claims?

Yes you can! Once you are done setting up your claim page, on the overview page for your claim you'll see an airdrop button. Simply click there and airdrop some tokens to your favourite collectors so they don't have to mint them themselves.

Last updated